In Northern Tanzania stingless bees are widely known for their medicinal honey. Some people keep the bees under the eaves of their houses as first aid boxes. The knowledge around sustainable beekeeping practices, however, is rather limited. By adopting sustainable meliponicultural and pollinator-friendly farming practices, trainees gain supplemental income through stingless bee product sales better yields. We work with stingless beekeepers and farmers to disseminate sustainable practices in their communities and encourage a mentoring system amongst farmers.
Are you interested in a training?
Please send us an email info@beegreen.co.tz

BEEtopia offers an experience-based education for local learning institutions and schools from abroad. The knowledge that is shared resonates in curricula around the globe. For schools, the center is an outdoor classroom for children to directly interact with the teaching content, i.e. the real world through play-based and multi-sensory activities.
Would you like to book a school trip?
Please reach out

Have you ever thought of bees other than honeybees? Worldwide there are more than 20,000 different species of bees. Some of them are really special: stingless bees. At BEEtopia our guests get intriguing insights into the fascinating world of stingless bees without the need of bee suits or smoke.
Would you like to visit Beetopia? Please reach out and book a tour!